Hello !
I am Sandeep Somasekharan. This website hosts a collection of photographs I have made over a course of almost 15 years. Photography allows me to unwind over the weekend and needles me to get up and get out there than spend my time on a couch, watching netflix.
I shoot with a Nikon D750 and my workhorse lenses are a Sigma 35mm art, Tokina 17-35 and a Sigma 150-600. Most of the older photos have been made with a D300s and a 300mm f4 lens. Of late I also shoot a bit with my fujifilm xa3 and rokinon 12mm f2 just because of the convenience it offers due to the small size.
In case you would like to use any of my photographs, you can reach me at sandy.nair@gmail.com, or through my instagram account somasekharansandeep, in addition to the feedback page on the top menu of this site.